This was a design task I was given by a PR communications company known as Luna PR. The brief was that they wanted me to create an original character design for their brand and also create a 10 second animation sequence of the character and introducing the brand as well. I designed the character in Illustrator and created the animation sequence in After Effects. I named the character Glowis due to the brand being named Luna which is like a Lunar Eclipse with the moon and so I wanted to create a character that had that relevance. This was my first ever time at creating an original character design so it was only a simple creation but my animation skills are what brought it to life. This was created after heavy research of existing brands that have character mascots associated with their brand such as Tony the Tiger for Frosties.

Animation Sequence
I wanted to make the animation have a premium vibe for the brand of Luna as well as having that association with the moon and Glowis having that relation as she looks almost like a moon and so I added a dark blue to black gradient background and then added a starburst animation on top of that background to make it look like the night sky with loads of stars as you’re zooming through them all. I believe as previously said just makes the animation feel more of a premium introduction to Luna as a brand and the character of Glowis as well.