The idea of this project was to design my own app on anything I want, tasks included designing the name, logo and app pages and layout. I decided to create an app based on my two favourite active hobbies, Basketball and Gym. I came up with the idea to create an app that would give people all the best workout routines especially for ones that want a basketball physique or a general physique and the app would also locate the nearest gym’s and basketball courts wherever you are.
App Icon Idea 1
These are the only designs I came up with for my app icons. The first one I thought would be the most obvious one as it is the most iconic part of the main logo but I wasn’t sure if it should be the official app logo as it can only tell people that the app is only about basketball when actually it is also about gym as well.
App Logo
I had looked at other gym logos and as my app also has a strong basketball element, my logo had to represent both gym and basketball. I did this by adding the use of the colour orange and having that be on a basketball with a hoop or not and then the secondary colour being a healthy looking colour which is this bright aqua blue. Gym is about being healthy and I wanted to show that through the colour scheme I used and these colours bonded very well together. I then added the dots on the ‘Fit’ as that looked like it is under water and they are producing bubbles as when you go to gym, the main drink you have is water. Overall my final design ended up being the top left design. It was clean, healthy looking and just perfect to me.
App Icon Idea 2
I then created the second icon and I feel this gives more of a workout gym vibe because of the colour of the letters and the use of the dots as they almost represent water and bubbles as people drink that at the gym. The orange border then represents Basketball.
App Logo Animation
I decided to animate the logo for this purpose to be for when the user launches the app on their phone, this animation of the logo presenting itself would be the first thing to appear on their screen.
App Page Designs